Texas Trade 'em Pregame
From BayAreaNightGame
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- Up to <a href="/index.php/Bang_14" title="Bang 14">Bang 14</a> Hail to the BANG. Forward to <a href="/index.php/Left_vs._Right" title="Left vs. Right">Left vs. Right</a>.
The pregame was a trading game in which teams received some play money and some cards and traded with other teams in an attempt to make valuable poker hands.
- full instructions
- cash (only the $10, $20, $50, and $100 were used)
It is almost inconceivable that we made no mistakes in entering the data; we hope we didn't screw you out of anything big. Take comfort in the fact that the difference between first and last place was only a few minutes' head start.
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♠ 9 ♥ 2 ♣ T 3
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" /> ♠ A ♥ J 9 ♦ K
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" /> ♠ 5 ♦ 4 5 8
- $400 cash, submitted 1st
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♣ A K Q J royalflush
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" /> ♦ 2 3 4 5 6 straightflush
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" />
- $250 cash, submitted 3rd
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♠ 3 ♦ 3 3 ♣ 3 fiveofakind
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" /> ♣ J pairjacks
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" /> ♠ 5 ♦ 5 ♣ 5 fiveofakind
- $250 cash, submitted 26th
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♠ 2 2 ♦ 2 2 fiveofakind
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" />
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" /> ♠ J 4 4 2 ♥ J 4 8 ♦ 4 fiveofakind
- $210 cash, submitted 23rd
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" />
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" /> ♠ 5 ♥ 5 5 ♣ 5 5 fiveofakind
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" /> ♠ 2 ♥ 2 2 ♦ 2 2 fiveofakind
- $300 cash, submitted 2nd
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♣ 9 8 7 6 straightflush
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" /> ♠ 7 ♥ 7 7 ♣ 7 7 fiveofakind
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" />
- $0 cash, submitted 8th
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♠ J J ♥ J ♦ J ♣ J fiveofakind
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" />
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" /> ♠ 8 8 ♥ 8 ♣ 8 fiveofakind
- $220 cash, submitted 6th
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" />
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" /> ♠ 9 9 ♦ 9 ♣ 9 fiveofakind
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" /> ♣ Q J T 9 8 straightflush
- $410 cash, submitted 15th
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♠ 5
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" /> ♥ 9 K ♣ 9 fullhouse
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" /> ♠ 7 7 ♥ 7 ♣ 7 7 fiveofakind
- $450 cash, submitted 5th
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♠ 6 4 ♥ 3 ♦ 5 straight
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" /> ♠ 3 3 ♥ 3 ♣ 3 3 fiveofakind
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" /> ♣ Q
- $430 cash, submitted 7th
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♥ 4
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" /> ♠ Q Q ♥ Q 8 ♦ Q ♣ Q fiveofakind
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" /> ♥ 9
- $340 cash, submitted 17th
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♦ 9 T ♣ 2 twopairs
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" /> ♥ A pairjacks
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" /> ♠ 6 6 ♦ 6 ♣ 6 6 fiveofakind
- $150 cash, submitted 11th
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♠ K ♥ 9 ♦ K K fullhouse
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" /> ♠ 6 A ♥ 6 ♦ 6 ♣ 6 6 fiveofakind
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" /> ♥ 6 ♦ 3
- $180 cash, submitted 27th
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♠ T T ♣ T fourofakind
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" /> ♠ K ♥ 2 pairjacks
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" /> ♠ J ♦ 6 7 ♣ 2 straightflush
- $810 cash, submitted 4th
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♠ 5 ♥ 5 J Q A flush
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" />
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" /> ♥ J ♣ K
- $530 cash, submitted 24th
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♥ K ♦ A ♣ 7
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" /> ♠ 8 ♥ T ♦ A T ♣ 8 T fullhouse
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" /> ♠ 3 ♥ 5 ♣ 3 5 fourofakind
- $710 cash, submitted 28th
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♣ K 8 6 flush
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" /> ♠ J ♥ 8 ♦ 8 twopairs
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" /> ♥ A ♦ 9 7 flush
- $10 cash, submitted 12th
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♦ Q J T 8 7 flush
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" /> ♠ T T ♥ T ♦ T ♣ T fiveofakind
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" /> ♠ 9 ♥ 7 ♦ Q
- $820 cash, submitted 22nd
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♠ Q ♥ 8
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" /> ♥ 3 ♦ 7
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" /> ♣ 2
- $650 cash, submitted 19th
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♥ T 9 6 4 flush
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" /> ♦ 8
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" /> ♠ K K ♦ K fullhouse
- $290 cash, submitted 10th
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♦ 8 6
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" /> ♠ 4 ♥ 4 4 ♦ K ♣ 4 fourofakind
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" /> ♠ A ♥ A ♦ A ♣ A fourofakind
- $530 cash, submitted 20th
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♥ 7
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" /> ♠ J ♥ J 6 ♦ J fourofakind
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" /> ♠ 9
- $480 cash, submitted 14th
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♥ T
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" /> ♠ K ♣ 2 pairjacks
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" /> ♠ T ♥ Q 9 T T ♣ T fourofakind
- $470 cash, submitted 25th
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♠ 7 A ♥ A ♦ 9 7 A ♣ A fourofakind
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" /> ♦ 7 5
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" /> ♥ K ♣ 9
- $620 cash, submitted 16th
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♠ 4 3 ♥ 3 2 ♦ 4 fullhouse
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" /> ♠ 2 2
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" />
- $550 cash, submitted 9th
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♣ Q
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" /> ♣ A K A fullhouse
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" /> ♠ Q ♣ K
- $550 cash, submitted 13th
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♦ 4
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" /> ♣ 2
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" /> ♥ 3 3 ♦ 3 fullhouse
- $390 cash, submitted 18th
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♠ 9 ♣ 4 9 5 flush
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" /> ♠ 8 ♥ 2 ♦ 4
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" /> ♥ 6 ♦ 8 J flush
- $160 cash, submitted 21st
- <img src="
" alt="bluestar.png" /> ♠ Q 7 ♦ 5
- <img src="
" alt="greencross.png" /> ♥ Q ♣ K pairjacks
- <img src="
" alt="yellowdonut.png" /> ♦ K Q J A flush